Emergency dentist | Sunshine Coast

Sometimes the unexpected happens. Falls, shallow pools, skateboards, trampolines – we’ve seen it all!

Emergency Dentist Sunshine Coast

What to do in an emergency.

Follow the basic first aid steps below if you’re unfortunate enough to find yourself in a dental emergency.


First things first, give us a call on 5444 7111 and speak to one of our receptionists to organise an appointment – or if it’s after hours leave a message. If you feel it can’t wait contact your dentist on their mobile number which will be on your last appointment card, or reach out to us on Facebook.


In an extreme situation such as facial trauma or facial swelling go straight to the closest hospital or call 000 for an ambulance.

Teeth knocked out.

  1. Remain Calm.
  2. Pick up the tooth from the crown/top and handle with care.
  3. Decide if the tooth is an adult or baby tooth and read below.


Adult tooth:


  • Try not to touch the roots, try and only handle the tooth by the crown/top/biting surface.
  • Forget everything you’ve read about storing the tooth in milk or glad wrap.  Just put it straight back in the socket after quick rinse with water, no matter how gruesome that seems!
  • Avoid wiping or trying to ‘clean’ it other than a light rinse with water –
  • Anything longer than about 7 minutes out of the mouth means the tooth has little chance of surviving long-term.
  • Get the patient to try to hold it gently in the socket or bite gently on a handkerchief with the tooth in place.
  • Then get to us as soon as possible!


Baby tooth:


If it’s a baby tooth, just leave it alone-  they should never be put back in the socket. Give us a call and make an appointment for a dentist to assess.

Front tooth pushed back (subluxated) but not knocked out.

Slowly but firmly push the tooth/teeth back (or more usually forward) into position.


It is important that the front teeth are repositioned so the back teeth can touch ASAP.

If you’re too squeamish, let us do it. Come in to get things assessed.

Broken tooth.

If it’s a small piece not near the gum, it isn’t an emergency and will probably be OK for a week or two before you see us.


We can make broken front teeth gorgeous again with a variety of techniques, and back teeth can be made strong again with a repair or rebuild.

Don’t leave things without getting them fixed – the aim is to avoid more complex treatment, such as a root canal/endodontic treatment or extraction.


If it’s only sensitive to cold/sweets, this is good.


It’s probably going to be an easy fix or even just advice on brushing differently. But DON’T leave it in the hope it goes away. How long would you drive your car with the oil light on or smoke coming out of the bonnet?


If it’s sensitive to hot as well, it may be an abscess developing. Don’t leave it.


If it’s aching all the time, we have a problem. There are flames coming out of the engine. Just get here fast…..before you end up with……

Facial swelling.

Call us as soon as possible. If it is after hours or you can’t get hold of us and you have facial swelling, go to the hospital. Facial swelling is serious and is life threatening if left untreated.

Wisdom teeth pain.

For emergency pain/swelling, rinse as many times a day with hot salty water to help clear the infection and remove any debris from swollen gums….then get here quickly.


Even if the pain goes away. Procrastination may make the problem far worse.