It is critical for the dentist and/or hygienist to have a look and show parents tips and tricks with teething and bottle routines to ensure the rest of the baby teeth erupt into a healthy mouth.
Did you know that parents and even significant carers of babies can and do “innoculate” babies with decay and disease causing bacteria (e.g Streptococcus mutans)?
Your child’s dental future and fears start in babyhood. Also see Pregnancy below.
We take toddlers for a ride in our “special” chair, give them a balloon and showbag and count their teeth together. This is often enough for a first visit.
We find that most children coming to the practice are genuinely happy to visit us, since a rapport and trust have been developed from pleasant previous short appointments.
Sometimes children have had a bad experience elsewhere, or simply are “picking up” on the (sometimes subconscious) fear that the family ( in particular Mum or Dad) are transmitting. Such “phobic” children are usually best treated with a number of “low key” short, fun visits initially, often with one of our hygienists, until that fear is eradicated (desensitisation process).
Further visits every 6 months are advised, particularly with the emphasis on low key hygienist polishing, checking cleaning, brushing and chatting about diet. Our hygienists may recommend diet or brushing modification or supplementation with fluoride or tooth mousse products.
If more treatment such as fillings or fissure sealing are required, a pleasant experience for everyone is assured.
A quick orthodontic evaluation at around 3 years and again at around 7 years is advised to “head off” problems.
There is a lot of information on diet and lunchbox ideas on the kids pages here. Early loss of milk (deciduous teeth) from decay can create major orthodontic headaches later on.e
A full mouth x-ray (OPG) is recommended at some point, particularly if there are any crowding or orthodontic issues. Sometimes products like Tooth Mousse are appropriate if there is early decalcification or signs of early problems.
Fissure sealing is often a good idea to prevent decay (and future fillings)
A recent study has shown that at least one in six children is affected by ” chalky teeth”.
We have had many parents book in themselves after they have seen the happy treatment of their kids!! We have all heard stories of horror dentist visits….we’re happy if you use your kids as guinea pigs before you trust us. Those days of fear and pain truly are ancient history at Kawana Dental.
Whatever your problem, you can comfortably have cosmetic dentistry, fillings, inlays/onlays, crowns, bridges, implants, root canal therapy, extractions, jaw/TMJ treatment, whitening, bad breath treatment and snoring/sleep apnoea treatment. We will show you how to avoid “getting long in the tooth” i.e periodontal disease and have fresh breath(see hygiene services)
And when you are beautiful and healthy again, we can keep you there and show you how to AVOID EVER HAVING ANY MORE DECAY (click find out more below) and smile comfortably.
This is a time when it is very easy for your teeth and gums to go downhill quickly. Pregnancy causes hormonal changes that increase your risk of developing gum disease, and you may notice your gums bleed more easily. Common things like morning sickness (frequent vomiting) can cause significant damage to your teeth. Your oral health can affect the health of your developing baby; it has been shown that women with gum disease/inflammation take longer to conceive than those who have a healthy mouth, and are at higher risk of having babies with low birth weights.
Below are some suggestions for maintaining good oral health, as well as your baby’s health and safety, before, during, and after your pregnancy.
Before you get pregnant: Make a dental appointment before getting pregnant (if possible). In this way, your teeth can be professionally cleaned, your gum tissue can be carefully examined, and any oral health problems identified can be treated in advance of your pregnancy.
While you are pregnant: Tell your dentist (and doctor) if you know you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant. This will help your health care providers plan for any treatments or procedures. It’s always best to complete any major dental treatment and x-rays prior to pregnancy. Routine dental care, on the other hand, can be received at any time during pregnancy, although you might be most comfortable in the second trimester.
After you have had your baby: If you experienced any gum problems (including pregnancy gingivitis or a small growth in your gums known as an epulis) during your pregnancy, see your dentist soon after delivery to have your entire mouth examined and your gum health evaluated.